Varun Sharma, who appeared as Anupriya Kapoor and Anshuman Prajapati, who played the role of Land Prajapati in the serial 'Bhagyalakshmi', recently came to Ghaziabad to launch NBT Theater Club. They liked these interacting with Fans We have many things from Anupriya:
ThankHow did you come to launch the NBT Theater Club?
Usually I do not go to such events, I loved the NBT Theater Club in Ghaziabad. Have fun enough. The people there were good. Found a great opportunity to interact with real audiences. Many fans also interacted with the selfies, so they all enjoyed a lot.
How does your character differ from other characters in 'Bhagyalakshmi'?
I believe that many shows are coming, but there is a lot different in this. In most shows, women are crying, something bad happens, so somebody becomes a victim of some big conspiracy. The lead lady of this show is not crying, she is crying to others. Normally you will not see that the Leading Lady becomes a little gray, but here I am doing this. A bold image of mine has been shown. Here the negative creditors have been disturbed by my caretaker.
So will it inspire other women to become bold in Real Life?
Sometimes it happens that you read something or listen to someone or you see something on TV and get motivated to fight against any evil, so if a woman in Real Life is inspiring from my caretaker It would be a matter of great pleasure to me. If you put a good influence on someone's life, then it's great.
ThankHow did you come to launch the NBT Theater Club?
Usually I do not go to such events, I loved the NBT Theater Club in Ghaziabad. Have fun enough. The people there were good. Found a great opportunity to interact with real audiences. Many fans also interacted with the selfies, so they all enjoyed a lot.
How does your character differ from other characters in 'Bhagyalakshmi'?
I believe that many shows are coming, but there is a lot different in this. In most shows, women are crying, something bad happens, so somebody becomes a victim of some big conspiracy. The lead lady of this show is not crying, she is crying to others. Normally you will not see that the Leading Lady becomes a little gray, but here I am doing this. A bold image of mine has been shown. Here the negative creditors have been disturbed by my caretaker.
So will it inspire other women to become bold in Real Life?
Sometimes it happens that you read something or listen to someone or you see something on TV and get motivated to fight against any evil, so if a woman in Real Life is inspiring from my caretaker It would be a matter of great pleasure to me. If you put a good influence on someone's life, then it's great.
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